
rich and preserved


Archaeological sites, ancient and prehistoric

Mont Lozere


The Roman tomb of Lanuéjols dates from the third century and was raised in memory of Lucius Pomponius Bassulus and Lucius Pomponius Balbinus by their parents. The family was to be of Syrian origin, and was introduced to the court of Rome by the Emperor Septimius Severus.

Excavations are conducted on the site in the nineteenth century. It is a monument of square plan, flanked to the north, east and south of three niches. The west wall is pierced by a door surmounted by a lintel on which is engraved a Latin inscription. Above the door and the lintel is a semi-circular bay whose arch, girded with an archivolt, is adorned with winged geniuses, with half-lying, naked loves, supporting the fins of the inscription cartridge. , connected by windings, of the volute from which leaves of vine and bunches of grapes escape. The bow fall is decorated with sculptures. The four corners of the square are decorated with Corinthian pilasters.